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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from John Crawford to Richard Caswell
Crawford, John
June 11, 1778
Volume 13, Pages 158-159

[From Executive Letter Book.]

Anson County, June 11th 1778.

To His Excellency Richard Caswell Esq:

The bad proceedings of the people of Anson County obliged me to write in the following manner, to-wit: At a General Muster in May last in order to raise the Quotas of men by balloting was so unfair, it must incur the displeasure of every good subject to the United States of America. Capt. Wilson's company perhaps acted the most remarkable of any in the County, which every person may very justly say was directly contrary to the intent of the Law made in that case. They say the first proper person balloted in that company was Col. Samuel Spencer, one of the circuit judges, that can't possibly be at home till the last of this month. Mr. John Childs our Senator who have been at the expense some time ago with Mr. Thomas Childs in hurrying off and putting a man in the service to have cleared him from the war for three years. The third person was Col. Love, Entry Taker of this County, and at present not a healthy man. The fourth person Mr. William Love Sub-Sheriff and Deputy Surveyor and is now drafted in Capt. Hunter's Company which proceedings is similar to that of Capt. George Wilson's Company. The fifth person was John Hardy who lives out of the District, and not on the list as the Law directs. This County is inhabited by a party who opposes every measure, whether lawful or not. The petitioner Lot. Tallant has been in custody for counterfeit money and eloped from his wife, and at this time is no better than a vagabond. The rest of the petitioners are all idle bread eaters, answering the purposes

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of base Tools which are very hurtful to our Country. I am only a spectator and think the proceedings of the Court Martial very just in respect to Capt. Wilson's Company, and their manner of balloting very unfair and cruel; which I hope no injustice will in the least be countermanded. Pray Sir excuse my freedom in writing to you, the case is so cruel no one can avoid it.

This from your humble obedient Servant.