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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Instructions to Robert Holden concerning the collection of quit-rents and exploration of Carolina
Carolina. Lords Proprietors.
Volume 01, Page 241

-------------------- page 241 --------------------
[B. P. R. O. Col: Ent: Book. No. 20. P. 134.]

You are as soon as conveniently you can after your Arivall in Albemarle to gether the Areares of our Quit Rents and if you Receive it in Tobacco you are to consigne the same to the Right Honourable Anthony Earle of Shaftsbury and Sir Peter Colleton for the use of the Proprietors of Carolina and the like you are to doe with all you shall receive of the Rents that shall become due.

You are alsoe to consigne to the said Earle of Shaftsbury and Sir Peter Colleton for our uses all that you shall gett of any wrecks, ambergrice or other ejections of the sea.

You are from time to time to give an accompt to Mr Seth Southwell if he desires it what you have received for Rents or Wrecks and what Ambergrice you have gotten or have notice of that others have founde.

For your paines in collecting and shiping our rents and looking after wrecks ambergrice and other ejections of the sea to us apertaining wee doe allow you the tenth parte of all Received or Recovered by you and sent to us.

You are from time to time to give information what discoverys you have made of the Inland parts of our Province what Nations you finde and as neare as you can, the number of fighting men of each nation, and what mineralls you have observed or found in your Voyages of discoverys, and for your Incoragement wee doe give and grant unto you a tenth parte of all mines and pretious stones you shall discover and a fifth parte of any trade you shall discover with any nations either amongst or beyonde the Apeletian Mountains.

You are to take into possession for our uses all Estates either real or personal which by virtue of his Majesty's Lettters Pattents doe escheate to us, and are from time to time to give us notice of any estate that is escheated and send us an Inventory thereof that wee may give you directions how it shall be disposed of.