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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Proposals by Commissioners of the Customs for collecting the customs arrears in Albemarle County
England. Commissioners of the Customs
April 15, 1680
Volume 01, Pages 329-331

[B. P. R. O. Colonial Papers.]

Read the 20 Novr 1680

Proposalls for the Recovery of the Arreares of his Majts Customes in Albemarle in Carolina and for the Restituc̄on & Reperac̄on of the Estates of the Collector & his Deputyes Taken away and Damnifyed in the late Rebellion and for the future setling the Collecc̄ons.

Imprs For the recovery of the Arreares.

-------------------- page 330 --------------------

When ye Inhabitants of Albemarle shall be reduced to the due obedience of the Lawes by such Wayes & means as ye Lords Proprietors shall find necessary For that end that a Commission shall be issued forth by their Lops Authority to such as the Commrs of the Customes shall nominate to enquire upon Oath what Tobacco in specie Bonds or other Specialtyes for Tobacco Monyes &c. wch had been taken for the Kings dues by Tho. Miller Collectr or his Deputyes and was taken out of his or their hands in the late Rebellion aforesd to whose hands the same came at any time since & in whose hands they now are or any part thereof And by whome the same were at first Taken away or to whose use or uses whether Inhabitants or Foreighners the same or any part thereof hath been Converted As also to Enquire what dutyes have been since Collected and by whome And to call all persons to Accot who have intermedled therewth or received the same As also to Enquire what has been sent to other plantac̄ons to escape the paymt of the Duty since the late Rebellion and by whome & to whome the same was sold and by whome ye same was shipped or carried away by sea To the End the Commrs of the Customes may be fully apprized of ye whole matter what is reasonable & what not & wt is fitt to be done further therein Either as to prsecuc̄on or Remission.

2. For ye Restituc̄on & Reparac̄on of ye Estates of ye Collector &c. That Mr Miller & his deputyes be restored to their Employmts and Estates in whatever specie whereever to be found wch they had at the Time of the sd Rebellion from them And be fully repaird or as much as may be for any damage done them in their Estates by such persons to whose hands the same came or by whome they were Taken away or Embezled And to this End also That another Comission be issued forth to Enquire thereof And that if it be thought fitt That an Act of Oblivion yt as well the aforesd Dutyes to the King as the Estate & damage of the Collector & deputyes aforesaid be Exempted out of ye same And yt by ye sd Act or some other prvision may be made for ye better recovery thereof And yt it may be made highly penall for the future to oppose such Collec̄ons & Collectors.

3. For the settling his Majtes Customes for ye future That ye Lawes made for ye same be duely observed and put in Execuc̄on And yt the Governr & all in Authority be Enjoyn'd to give all Countenance and assistance thereunto.

-------------------- page 331 --------------------

All wch is observed by ye Comrs of his Majts Customes to ye Lods prpriators of Carolina.


Custome House London 15 Apr. 1680.