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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Instructions to Edward Hyde concerning the government of North Carolina
Carolina. Lords Proprietors.
January 24, 1712
Volume 01, Pages 844-846


You are with our Council to consider how ye trade of yt part of our Province committed to your Care may be by the most proper and legall means promoted and advanced & how the severall usefull & Profitable manufactures already settled in yt sd part of our Province may be further improved & how & in what manner new & profitable manufactures may be introduced and you are also to consider of the best and & most effectual means to Establish ye ffishery of our sd Province & what Encouragemt is proper for us to give to increase the same

You are from time to time to make a representation touching ye premises to us as ye nature of the business shall require which sd representations are to be in writings & are to be signed by you & ye major part of the Councill

You are to take care yt all acts of assbly yt have been confirm'd by us or our Predecessors be fairly wrote out and transmitted to us, by ye first opportunity & you are to examine into & weigh such acts of Assblys as shall from time to time be sent or transmitted hither for our approbation & to set down & represent as afsd the misfortune & mischief thereof to her Majy Imperial Crown of Great Britain to our Province its self or to our Jurisdiction & power Granted to us by the Royall Charter in Case Such Laws should be confirm'd & Established by us & to consider which matter may be recomended as fit to be passed in ye Assblys there

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You are to enquire into & transmitt to us an acct of all the moneys that have been Given for Publick uses by ye Assblys in Our Province & how ye Same are & have been Expended or laid out & what Persons do & how & by whom they are Impowered to Receive the same

You are by & with the advice & Consent of any four or more of our Deptys to adjourn, prorogue & Dissolve the General Assblys as often as you shall think requisite so to do And that there may be no Interuption or Delay in matters of Prosecution and Execution of Justice in our Courts of Judicature within our sd Province by the Death or removal of any of our Officers Employ'd therein untill we can be advised thereof (which advice you are to transmitt to us ye first oppertunity) you are to appoint others to Succeed in there places, & you shall make Choice of Persons of known Loyalty Experience Diligence & Fidelity to be Employ'd for the purposes afod untill you shall have our approbation of ym or Nomination of others from hence

You are wth ye assistance of Anthony Stafford our present Receiver Gen11 to take and inspect the accott of Coltr Thos Cary who has recd several of chief Rents & other our money for the perchase of our Land in yt part of our Province under your Care, after you have audited and approved ye Same To attest ye accots according to ye form Given to proceeding Govrs & such money as shall be received for ye balance of Such accots you are to take particular Care yt it be transmitted to us with what Convenient Speed you Can, according as shall be directed by us

You are to take great care yt the Indians be not abused & Justice be duly administered to ym in our Courts & yt you Endeavor your utmost to Create a firm friendsp with ym & bring them over to your part for your better Protection & Defence against the Enemy (the neighboring French & Spanyards) against whom you are to Protect our sd Province & wee assure your of our utmost assistance for your Security

You are to transmitt to us as soon as you Can Conveniently get it handsomely transcribed a full & Exact accot of our Yearly Rents what they may amout to in the whole & the particular men from whom due & what from each man also what has been received by whom and how apply'd & what Land to whom & for what sold

You are to take care that all persons may be admitted to Peruse ye Publick Records of our Province provided they make such Perusal in the place where the same are Constantly kept & pay the Customary & usual Fees

Whereas it Did plainly appear to Us that very great abuses have been Committed in our Province of Carolina by Exorbitant & illegal Grants of Land made to several Persons far Exceeding & Contrary to our Instructions

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given upon that accott Whereupon we thought it proper to Prohibit all sales or Grants of Land except Such as should be made at our Board yt at your Instance & we being willing to give all due encouragemt to such planters as shall come to settle there we have Consented that any person During the term of seven year's next ensueing ye date hereof may within that part of our Province that is under your Care perchase any small Quantity of Land not Exceeding 640 acres Paying the purchase money to our Receiver Gen11 at ye rate of 20e Sterling for each 100 acres and reserving 10d Sterling of Great Brittian Yearly quitt-rent of every hundred acres to us the Lds proptrs & Our Heirs for the same

We do recomend to you in the most particular manner ye Considerations of the late Troubles & we are very sorry that you was Compelled to make use of Violent means towards the support of ye Govenmt we hope that all animosity is by this time Extinguish'd and ye best way to keep Quiet is to show all Gentleness to those that were deluded and as Little Severity to those who more deeply concern'd in these Disorders as is Consistant with Law & Justice It must of necessity have happened yt during those Commotions Some unfortunate Persons have suffer'd much in their Estates we desire yt Restitution may be made if its possible to the full but if that cannot be as far as you can & that you send us as Exact an Estimate as you Can make of the sufferings of the People whom we shall always Protect to the utmost of our Power while they preserve the Alegance to the Queen & their Duty to us ye true and absolute Lords who represent her Majty we further enjoyn You to send over to us all the evidence that can be of any use towards our Information that we may be able to lay an accurate accot of what has happen'd before the Queen if her Majty shall require it of us

And lastly we do require You our sd Govr to Execute and perform all other things necessary and proper for Answering our Instructions in the premises & which shall or may tend to ye good Govrmt of our Province afsd

Given under our hand & Seal at Craven House this 24th day of Janry Anno Dōni 1711/12

J MANLEY for ye Duke
of Beaufort (X)
fr Ld Craven (X)