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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from Wills Hill, Marquis of Downshire to William Tryon
Downshire, Wills Hill, Marquis of, 1718-1793
April 04, 1770
Volume 08, Pages 190-191

[B. P. R. O. America & W. Indies. Vol. 217.]
Letter from Earl Hillsborough to Govr Tryon

Whitehall April 4th 1770.


At the same time that I lament the obstinacy of the Assembly in persisting to refuse to make Provision for the Security & Defence of the Colony, I must adhere to my former opinion upon that Subject expressed in my Letter No. 27. & do entirely agree with you that no consideration ought to induce you to consent to a Tonnage Act by which the Inhabitants of North Carolina should be put upon a better footing in respect to that Duty than His Majesty's other Subjects.

With regard to the Paper Currency which I find continues still to be so much an Object of the wishes of the Colony I have nothing to add to what I have already said upon that subject in my former Letters, but I should wish to know, what is the nature and quantity of the Bills of Credit now outstanding & what is the Period fixed by law for their Redemption.

I was most sincerely happy in the opportunity which your Dispatch No. 34 afforded me of doing justice in the presence of Our Royal Master to the Merit of your Services in the Office you now

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hold, of which Services I have ever entertained the most favourable opinion. These sentiments necessarily led me to think of you when the Govt of New York became vacant, but finding from Mr Heron's Information that the value of your present Govt exceeded that of New York, I could not venture to make a sacrifice of your interest to my own wishes without some Authority from yourself or your friends that might justify me in a step which I have now the additional Mortification to find would have been agreeable to you.

I have not failed to submit to his Majesty your humble Request for leave to return to England for one year from Spring twelvemonths, & have the Satisfaction to acquaint you that His Majesty is graciously pleased to condescend thereunto, & I will take Care that the proper Instrument under the sign manual shall be sent out to you by the next conveyance,

I am &c.a