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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Notice from inhabitants of Orange County concerning the character of Edmund Fanning
No Author
Volume 08, Pages 230-231

[From MS. Records in the Office of Secretary of State.]

Whereas, some persons have been ungenerous enough to report, that Colonel Edmund Fanning is a mere dependant on the Crown, and therefore an emproper person to represent the County of Orange in general Assembly; and as he is not here in person to defend his Character thus injured, by such report equally false, as it is ungenerous; We beg permission as lovers of truth and injured merit, and as enemies to falsehood and calumny, to submit to the consideration of the publick a few remarks, Vizt.

Firstly. That those who propagate this report, are persons courting the voice of popularity.

Secondly. That all those heretofore assenting to his representing them in general Assembly, have experienced his steady and unalterable attachment to the welfare and interest of his constituents.

Thirdly. That, as he again intends becoming an inhabitant of the county of Orange, where he holds a considerable property, and as he not only hath his whole fortune in America but is himself an American, it may well and reasonably be supposed, that he will in his legislative capacity contribute all that lys in his power for the interest of this Province in general and of the County of Orange in particular.

That, it is true, he holds the office of Surveyor general of the province of New York under the Crown, but he holds it during his good behaviour, which in such cases is always for life and never forfeited but by misbehaviour in Office, and therefore such unjust aspersions against him in his absence, proceed merely from malice and a jealousy of his superior abilitys and interest with the people.

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Colonel Fanning's generosity public spirit & zeal for the good of Orange and Hillsborough are notorious even to his enemies: his property is considerable, and therefore the interest of the public must be his interest,—will any person then well acquainted with that Gentleman do him so much injustice, as to suppose even notwithstanding he were to hold the said office during pleasure, he would on that account betray the interest of his fellow subjects. Such a supposition, after repeated proofs to the contrary, discovers a degree of ingratitude which we hope few of this County possess.

That, to a generous mind, such an attempt to injure that Gentleman's character, must be compared to an Assassin who endeavours to stab in the dark, and is a proof of the baseness of the hearts of those who have made this vile attempt.

By several Freeholders of the County of Orange.