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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Minutes of the Wilmington Committee of Safety
Wilmington (N.C.). Committee of Safety
January 16, 1776
Volume 10, Pages 411-412

[From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.]
Proceedings of the Safety Committee at Wilmington.

Tuesday, January 16th, 1776.

At a meeting of the Committee.

Present: John Ancrum, Chairman; William Wilkinson, Deputy Chairman; Arch'd Maclaine, John Forster, Henry Toomer, Herrall Blackmore, John Slingsby, James Geekie, William Ewins, John Kirkwood.

Whereas, the Continental Congress, on the 1st day of November last, “Resolved, that New York, the lower counties on Delaware, North Carolina and Georgia, ought to avail themselves of the benefit allowed to them by the late restraining act, and therefore, that no person should apply at the Custom-houses in those Colonies for clearances or other documents, which other Colonies are deprived of by said restraining act, for securing the navigation of vessels with cargoes from their Ports.” It is, therefore,

Resolved, That no person, whatever, do presume to apply to the Custom-house for clearances, without first obtaining leave from this or some other Committee for that purpose; and this Resolve be made public, and a copy delivered to the officers of the Customs.

Resolved, That the resolution of this Committee, passed the 6th inst., ordering the Custom-house officers not to clear out vessels without leave be rescinded.

Captain Alexander Maclean having gone down to the ship Cruizer, and been with the Governor, contrary to a resolve of the Provincial Council, and also, an order of this Committee,

Resolved, therefore, That he, the said Alexander Maclean be sent for, to come before this Committee, to answer such breach aforesaid, and give security for his good behaviour; which he has accordingly done, himself, James Walker, and Arch'd Maclaine, in the sum of five hundred pounds proclamation money, for six months, if he continues in the Province so long.

Ordered, that permission be granted to Captain Butterfield to clear out his schooner in ballast only. Also, to Captain Bachelder to clear his brig out, he having nothing on board but ballast and necessary sea stores. Captain Bachelder also had leave to send a letter to the

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Governor, desiring to know if his vessel would be prevented from going out of this river.

Ordered, that William Wilkinson be appointed to receive all the Salt Petre, Brimstone and Lead, in the room of John Forster, who was appointed on the 9th inst. for that purpose, and that Mr Wilkinson give receipts for the same.

Messrs. Forster and Geekie having called on Dr. Fallon to know if he intended to give the security required by the Committee, they reported to this Committee that Dr. Fallon refused to give any security.

The Committee adjourned to 5 o'clock this evening.

Tuesday Evening, 5 o'clock.

The Committee met according to adjournment.

Present: John Ancrum, Chairman; William Wilkinson, Deputy Chairman; Henry Toomer, H. Blackmore, John Forster, Jona. Dunbibin, James Geekie, Arch'd Maclaine, John Slingsby, Will. Ewins, John Kirkwood.

Resolved, That Dr. Fallon be continued under guard for the present time, and that Colonel Moore be requested to refuse admittance to any person, but such as he or the officer on guard may think proper; and that Dr. Fallon be not precluded from the use of pen, ink and paper, but that when the officer on guard may think he has any letters to send out, and requests admittance for any particular person, such person may be admitted for so long a time as the officer may think proper, but that such person be carefully searched on his departure, and any letters that may be found upon him, to be carried to the commanding officer.

The Committee adjourned.