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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from William Hooper to the Provincial Congress of North Carolina
Hooper, William, 1742-1790
November 15, 1776
Volume 10, Pages 903-904

Philadelphia, Novr 15th, 1776.


By an express which was dispatched to the Southern States yesterday, I suggested to you the probability that a large body of forces had embarked and part of them had sailed from N. York for this place or the Carolinas. Since yesterday by a letter from General Greene who commands at Fort Lee we have further information upon this subject. He says that by a Gentleman of undoubted veracity and warm attachment to the American Cause who is just from New York he has obtained Intelligence, that the enemy are now embarking ten thousand men which are destined for an expedition against South Carolina, that Ld Dunmore is to proceed with them and have the command.

This information has induced Congress to send dispatches to you & the other Southern States, that you may take measures immediately to counteract the designs of the Enemy. I cannot imagine that the Enemy, infatuated as their councils have hitherto been are yet so far lost to every Idea of Propriety as to entrust such an important command to Ld Dunmore. He no doubt with Govr Martin & Ld William Campbell will go in the fleet, and give every assistance they may be capable of, but Clinton I imagine will conduct the land forces.

I cannot take upon me to direct what measures it will be prudent for you to pursue. Whether Virginia North or South Carolina will

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be the first object it is yet impossible to decide. It will become you to hold all the Militia and regular troops of your State in readiness to repel the British troops whether they should attempt to land upon your own coast or whether it should be necessary to afford succour to South Carolina or Virginia. Upon this important occasion when the fate of our Southern Country is perhaps to be decided, and those liberties which we have been long gloriously struggling for are to be fixed upon a firm foundation or lost forever, I trust in God no man will deny his aid, but that all as one man will step forth to meet the foes to America to liberty to Heaven, for our's is the cause of God.

I have ordered three tons of Gun powder to Charleston by an armed Vessell bound thither. She will probably sail in the course of the next week. I will apprize you of it as soon as it takes place and if you have not a plentiful supply upon hand of that article you can have recourse there to supply yourself. Should you have occasion for more let me have your commands seasonably as at present our Magazines are tolerably full.

I enclose you the last newspapers from which you will perceive General Washington's late operations, as well as the sudden retreat of General Sir Guy Carleton from Ticonderoga. I sincerely congratulate you upon the latter as an event of much importance to these States & Am.

Gentlemen with the greatest respect
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant