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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Talk by Hanging Maw to Joseph Martin
Hanging Maw, Cherokee chief
March 24, 1787
Volume 22, Pages 492-493

Brother: As arresting of the Cherokees in Chota ye 24th March, 1787, we are glad to see you and give you a hearty wellcome. We have been looking for you a great while, to see if Nothing can be Done for us respecting our Lands. When you went away you told

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us that you Expected Colo. Hawkins from Congress Every Day; that he Was a good man and would do Something for us. But we have heard Nothing from him yet. We now hope you can tell us Some thing about him.

We have held several treaties with the Americans, when Bounds was always fixt and fair promises always made that the white people Should not come over, but we always find that after a treaty they Settle much faster than before; but when we treated with Congress we made no doubt but we should have Justice.

We have been often told by people a great way off that we Should Set still till all our lands is Settled; that the Americans only ment to deceive us. We now begin to think it is true, tho Still hope that Congress will take pity on us and have their people Moved off our Lands. I have done for to day. I now want to hear what you have to say to us. We hope you will tell us all you have heard Since you left us, and give us your advice, as you Know all our concerns better than we do our Selves. A String of Beeds.

The above talk was Delivered by the Hanging Maw in publick Convention in Chota, ye 24 March, 1787, to Joseph Martin.

A True Copy.




25 March, 1787.

Additional Notes for Electronic Version: Although the editors included this document with several others from the 1770-1771 period, it is not related to the Regulator conflict. The endorsement on this document stating that it is from Old Corn Tassel is incorrect.