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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Petition from John Kimbrough concerning his parole
Kimbrough, John
February 04, 1782
Volume 22, Page 612


To His Excellency Thomas Burke, Esq., Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State of North Carolina.

The Petition of John Kimbrough, of Montgomery County, Most Humbly Sheweth, That your Humble Petitioner were unhappily, through various intimidations, led away and induced to Act in a Measure contrary to the Laws of the State, but being fully convinced of his error and sincerely sorry for what he had done, submitted and surrendered to Col. Wade, and soon after were paroled by Major General Greene, which parole your Petitioner faithfully observed and kept, but were nevertheless made prisoner by Governor Rutherford and sent into close Custody to Salisbury. But are now, by the great goodness of the late Go’r Martin, on Parole in Salisbury, on giving sufficient Security for his appearance at the Superior Court, which he has done; and have also put an able bodied Man as substitute in the Continental Service for Eighteen Months. Your Petitioner most Humbly pray your Excellency to release him from his parole, so that he may return to his Home in order to provide the necessaries of life for the Support of his Family, who are reduced to the greatest distress. And your Humble Petitioner, as in Duty bound, Will ever pray.


P. S. If it should be the good pleasure of your Excellency to release your Petitioner, please signify the same to Maj. Joel Lewis.