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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from Robert Dinwiddie to Arthur Dobbs
Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770
February 08, 1755
Volume 05, Pages 367-368

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[Reprinted from Dinwiddie Papers. Vol. 1. P. 487.]
Governor Dinwiddie to Governor Dobbs.

Feb'y 8th, 1755.

Dear Sir:

Y'r two Let's of the 15th and 25th Ult'o I duly rece'd, and it gives me great Pleasure y't Y'r Assembly broke up in so good Humour, and y't dur'g their Siting they very properly enter'd on the Business direct'd by You with so much Spirit, and I acknowledge y't I think they did more y'n I c'd have expected, consider'g how long they have been in a very loose, lawless Condit'n. I am glad y't You intend the Com'd of the Co'y y't You raise for the Expedit'n to Y'r Son, w'ch I wish You c'd afford to make 80. I am of Opin'n y't the Com'n for Capt. Waddal may be establish'd at 40 Men, under the Denominat'n of Rangers, on Y'r frontier Settlem'ts. The Sooner You can send the Co'y in here the better, and the Sloop y't brings them may, if You think fit, bring 4 or 500 b'ls of Pork and Beef, a Qu'ty of Bacon, and, if to be had with You, 4 or 5 b'ls of Rice, and to direct them for Alexa'a, on Potomack River, where I shall be glad to hear of their safe arrival. I have forwarded Y'r Let's to Colo. Innes, and presume he will very soon settle the Affairs of the Car. Regim't. No News since my last, either from B. or the Ohio. Gov'r Sharpe and S'r J. St. Clair are now both with me from W. Creek, and they bring no News of any Consequence. The Men [are] in good Spirits, and wish for the Reinforcem't from B. Y'rs by Capt. Waddle I rec'd two Days ago. He is gone for Hampton to Co. Hunter to execute Y'r Orders. He had my Offer of any Service in my Power. I sh'd think our People y't are Debtors to Y'r Province cannot refuse Y'r Paper Curr'cy, as it will answer the Discharge of their Debts. Blue, turned up with red, I think will make very proper Uniforms.

Pork here is 40s. to 43s. per bl., as in Goodness. Beef 27s. This comes by an Express from Mr. Glen. He had a Packet for You, but says the Waters were so high he c'd not go to Newburn, but have now ordered him to wait on You for an Answer to the Packet he brings You. Mr. Glen was so modest as to desire me to remit him in B. of Excha. 7,000£ St'g, out of the 10,000£ I have Credit to draw for, in order to build a Fort in the Upper Cherokee Co'try. I was ordered to advise, perswade and assist him in build'g the Fort, and I tho't ⅓ of that Mo'y w'd have done, and y't Car. sh'd be at the Expence; however, I have sent him Bills for 1,000£ to shew at Home my readiness to obey Com'ds,

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and to forw'd y't Fort, w'ch I believe at this Time very necessary. He gave me room to expatiate with him on the reasonableness of his Dem'd, w'n he must know the great Charge y't attends this necessary Expedit'n, and to offer to have ⅔ds of the whole of my Cr. was not kind, or did it look like a well Wisher to w't we have on the Anvil. I think he has no room to expect leave to raise recruits with You, till You have compleated Your own Compa's. I look daily for the Fleet from Irel'd, and hope to be pretty well provided to receive them. From the best Intelligence, the Fr. have not above 1,200 Men on the Ohio. The Message from Mr. Morris to his Assembly, of the Number of the Fr., was from Deserters, who's Reports are not to be depended on, his Assembly have broke up with't grant'g any aid; they are a very turbulent, refractory People. M'yl'd Assembly meets the 20th; Mr. Sharpe has Hopes y't they will do something. When any Acc'ts of Conseq'ce, I shall give You early Notice thereof. I hope the Packet from Eng., y't I forward'd You lately, came safely to Y'r Hands. I pray God grant us Success in our just Designs in the Defence of our Religion, Liberties and Properties. My Wife and Girls join in Kind Respects to You, Son and Nephew, and I am, with Sincerity and great Truth,

Y'r Ex's most obed't humble serv't.