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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from John Vassall to John Colleton
Vassall, John
October 06, 1667
Volume 01, Pages 159-160

[B. P. R. O. Shaftesbury Papers. Bdle 48. No. 8.]

Nancymond in Virginny 6th October 1667.

Honnorable Sir,

I presume you have heard of the unhapy Loss of our Plantation on Charles River the reason of which I could never soe well have understood had I not com hither to heare; how that all that came from us made it their business soe to exclaime against the Country as they had rendered it unfitt for a Christian habitation; which hindered the coming of the people & supplys to us soe as the rude Rable of our Inhabitants ware dayly redy to mutany against mee for keeping them there soe long;

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insomuch that after they had found a way to com hither by land all the arguments and authority I could use wold noe longer prevail which inforced mee to stop the first ship that came till I could send for more shipping to carry us all away togeather espetially such weak persons as ware not able to goe by land, the charge and trouble whereof and the loss of my Estate there having soe ruened mee as I am not well able to settle myself heare or in any other place to live comfortably. But had it pleased God to bring my Cauzen vassall safe hither wee had bin yett in a flourishing condition. I sent one Whiticar last November on purpose at my owne charge to give the Lords an account of our condition but hee was taken by the way soe as I have not heard a word from any of you since I receaved my Commissions by Mr Sanford and indeed we ware as a poore Company of deserted people little regarded by any others and noe way able to supply ourselves with clothing and necessaries nor any number considerable to defend ourselves from the Indians all which was occationed by the hard termes of your Consetions which made our friends that sett us out from Barbadoes to forsake us, soe as thay would neither suply us with necessaries nor find shipping to fetch us away, yet had wee had but 200£ sent us in Clothing wee had made a comfortable shift for annother yeare, and I offered to stay there if but twenty men would stay with mee till we had heard from your Lordships, for wee had corne enough for two yeares for a farr greater number and tho' the Indians had killed our Cattle yett wee might have defended ourselves but I could not find 6. men that wold be true to me to stay: soe was constrained to leave it to my greate loss & ruin, and I fear you will not have a much better account of your plantation at Ronoake unless a better course be taken to incorage their stay for they are not without greate cause of complaints.

This with my very humble servis presented is all at present From

Your honnors humble servant


Knight and Barronett at Nerehald
These present
In Essex.