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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to [Seth Sothell]
Carolina. Lords Proprietors.
November 25, 1687
Volume 01, Page 354

[B. P. R. O. Colonial Entry Book. No. 22. p. 133.]

Whitehall this 25th of Novemb: 1687

Wee herewith send you copies of two letters wee haue received from the Kings Majesty & also a copie of Sr Robert Holmes his comission for the supression of Pirates & Privatiers. by the first of the sd letters you will perceiue that his Majty that all endeavors bee vsed for the seizing and aprehending of any Pirates or sea rovers that shall come into any of the Ports of your Govermt the which you are to keep strictly Imprisoned & in safe coustody with their ships goods & plunder untill his Majestys Royall pleasure be known what shall be done with them. whereof you are not to faile & to vse. your vtmost care that all his Majestys commands contained in his sd letter bee punctually obeyed by all persons vnder your goverment.

Yor very affectionate friends
CRAVEN Paltine