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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from Robert Holden to the Board of Trade of Great Britain [Extract]
Holden, Robert
May 21, 1707
Volume 01, Pages 663-664

[B. P. R. O. B. T. Proprietors. Vol. 9. P. 2.—Extracts.]

London May 21: 1707.

May it please Your Lordps

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According to your Ldships desire I shall touch a little upon Carolina. It has two plantations North and South Caralina. The North in which I have been in and lived some time there; has barrd Inlets into It; which spoyles the trade of it and none but small vessells from New England and Bermoodas trades there, the soyle is more lusty than South Carolina It produceth Tobacco: Indian Corne; English Wheat in abundance Beef; porke; hides; Tarr & so consequently pitch Furs as Beaver; Otter; Fox and wild cat skins; deare skins; Tannd Lether Tallow &c for druggs rabbex serpentarius: saxafrax calamus aramaticus assarebecca capillus ventris polypodium quercus &c

South Carolina; has good Inlets; particularly port royall so good as the Navy royall of great Britton; may enter safely and harbour there It

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produceth Rice; silk and Tobacco; sundry sortes of skins and Furrs as Neat hides Deare skins the Mexico taurus; Beaver; otter; Fox Wild catt &c Tannd Lether porke & Beef in abundance in so much as her Majtie ships of Warr are victualled with It at Jamaica and in the Caribee Islands Tallow all sortes of pulse Tarr pitch Clapborde Cedarwood and all provision in such extraordinary plenty that they are able to furnish all at the Island plantations with victuals. The Towne of Trade strongly fortified well planted round with ordinance and all things provided for its defence Good force both horse and foot can be raised to offend an enemy; as well as defend itselfe at any time as lately appeared by that Noble defence it made by Sr Nathaniel Johnson the Governour. and the growth of the Collony; which made it become so great (as this warr to be able to attack St Augustine one of the oldest fortification the Spaniards has in America and allway kept Garrisoned and had certainly caryd It being Master of all the Country had they had any bombs or great guns. And after marched some hundred of miles to Apolacka Town subdued It and brought away several prisoners with considerable booty And a great number of Indians friendly went & came alone with them in this expedition I say the powerfullness riss from the timely supply' the Lds proprietors upon the forst settlement of it sent thither for I found them so devoted to it and in love with it all of them and most especially the late farmer Earl of Shaftesbury that which in particular expenses of settling there own plantations as in conjunct stock for supplying all the planters forst and last amounted to above thirty thousand pounds as it was computed and now reckoned one of the best plantations belonging to the Empire of great Britton I humbly pray yr Ldship will be pleased to give me all the dispatch as possible in getting her Majties approbation my suretys are ready to attend yr Ldships commands and I am with all humility My Lords

Your Ldships most obedient servant