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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Minutes of the Surry County Committee of Safety
Surry County (N.C.). Committee of Safety
August 25, 1775
Volume 10, Pages 228-229

[From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.]
Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Surry County.

August 25th 1775.

North Carolina
Surry County. }

Committee met according to appointment 25th August 1775.

Present: Benjamin Cleaveland, John Hamlin, Jesse Walton, Samuel Freeman, Benjamin Herndon, Charles Lynch, John Armstrong, James Hampton, Richard Gorde, Augustus Blackburn, James Doke, Matthew Brooks, John Hudsbeth, George Lash, John Snead, Malcom Curry.

Benjamin Cleaveland was elected Chairman.

Resolved, We think proper to Declare our disapprobation and Abhorrance of certain papers by the name of Protests &c., signed and transmitted to Govr Martin in opposition to the common cause of Liberty; some of which Papers contain many Falsehoods and matters of Encouragement to the most wicked Ministers and Tools of Government in their most wicked Measures and designs; the said papers being calculated to Divide the good People of this Province and destroy its internal peace and Occasion the Effusion of Blood.

Resolved, We Determine by all Lawful ways and means to Discountenance and suppress such mischievous and beneful Papers and all such combinations against the common cause of American Liberty;

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and do our utmost Endeavours to support the Congress in Defending our Just Rights and Liberties.

Resolved, That whatever Britains may claim as their Birth Right we may justly claim as our Birth Right; and that all the Natural Rights of British Subjects are confirmed to us by Charter and the Faith of Kings and the free Constitution of Great Britain and this Province.

Resolved, That those who now would subject all America or this Province to a Dependency on the Parliament of Great Britain are guilty of a very Dangerous Innovation injurious to the Crown and inconsistant with the Liberty of the American Subjects.

Resolved, That by the Law of Nature and the British Constitution no man can be Legally Taxed or have his property taken from him without his consent, given by himself or his Representatives.

Resolved, That the late Acts of the British Parliament for raising a Revenue in America by laying Taxes on us without our Consent and against our Protestation, are Opposite to our Ideas of Property, and inconsistant with the spirit of the Constitution, and does in Fact at one Stroke Deprive this whole Continent of all property; and of their most invaluable Rights and Liberties.

Capt Charles Lynch and Mr William Merridith, Members of the Committee, came in and took their seats.

Resolved, That this Committee highly approve of the Proceedings of the Continental Congress held in Philadelphia in Septr last, and that we will endeavor to carry their Recommendations into Execution.

Resolved, That the Worthy Delegates who represented this Province in said Congress Deserve our warmest and most Grateful thanks for the faithful Discharge of their Office and that Colo Armstrong present them in our names and in behalf of this county.

The Committee Adjourns till to-morrow 7 O'clock.