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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Proposals by [William Tryon] concerning the collection of quit rents in North Carolina
Tryon, William, 1729-1788
Volume 08, Pages 47-49

The inclosure referred to by the Governor on the preceding side
contained as follows Viz.

Scheme proposed for the forming of Rent Roll and obtaining a regular collection of his Majestys Quit Rents, in the Province of North Carolina.

Officers to be employed in the Department Viz. Secretary of the province, Auditor General, Receiver General, Deputy Receiver or Collector and Register in each county.

Secretary to furnish the Auditor General with a list of the Patents on record in the Secretarys Office and from time to time to transmit to him a list of all Patents granted in future, within three months after the grant.

Auditor General to require from the Registers in each county annually a list of all transfers of lands within their respective counties with proper descriptions of the locations &c. that from these returns with the records received from the Secretary the Auditor may make out the Rent Roll for each county to deliver the Receiver General.

Receiver General to deliver the Deputy Receivers or County Collectors the lists for their respective counties to make their collections by, and the Receiver General to be obliged to account once in every year for the amount of the Rent Roll or to give his reasons for deficiencies.

Deputy Receivers or County Collectors to be appointed by the Governor and shall annually make their collections to the Rent Roll and pay to the Receiver General the amount thereof, and also to make returns to him on oath of all lands held in their respective counties whether by descent or otherwise which may not be entered on such Rent Roll that the lands and the names of the occupants may be entered on the same.

Register to be obliged to make a return annually to the Auditor General of the lands transferred every year in their respective counties as required by the Auditor General.

Salaries proposed for the Officers in the Department of the Collection of his Majestys Quit Rents.

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The Secretary to be allowed for furnishing the Auditor General with a list of the Patents on record and for lists of Patents granted in future thirty pounds sterling per annum.

The Auditor General of the province will be obliged to have an office constantly open and under a necessity of keeping two clerks as well to audit the grants of lands made in the Land office as annually to make out a fresh Rent Roll for the Receiver General, for want of which Roll the Quit Rents have never been regularly collected for if the same Rent Roll should be permitted to continue for more than one year the confusion in the receipts will remain as usual on account of the vast number of descents and transfers that occur in course of a year in this migrating part of the world, the duties therefore of the Auditor will be important. He is to make a record of all lands held in his Majestys district, and to form annually a Rent Roll for the Receiver General, as well as to perform such other duties as may be demanded of him by his Majestys Auditor General of America. Under the consideration of this load of duty, the clerks to be maintained, and the necessary expences in the execution of it, it is judged 20 p. cent. will be little enough to be allowed to the Auditor General in the province, on all monies received and audited on account of Quit Rents.

The Commission of 10 p. cent. upon monies received may be sufficient for the Receiver General, as the Rent Roll will be delivered to him by the Auditor General.

The Deputy Receivers having the most active and fatiguing part of the whole duty upon them and the difficulties manifest in making the collection, 20 p. cent. might be allowed on the monies they collect till a complete Rent Roll can be formed.

The Registers to receive from the Receiver General eight pence for every transfer in their lists or Rent Roll of their respective counties returned annually to the Auditor General of the province.

Heads of a Bill proposed to inforce a regular Collection and Receipt of Quit Rents.

Persons not paying their Quit Rents for three years to forfeit their lands which shall be given to the informer in the same manner as by the Virginia law passed for that purpose in 1748.—Slaves, goods, and chattels on the premises may be levied on for annual payment of Quit Rents.

Sheriffs to be obliged to act as Deputy receivers or County Collectors when required by the Governors warrant or appointment.

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Registers to be obliged to perform by an obligatory clause the duties prescribed to them.

County lines to be run at the expence of the province within a certain time.

Indulgences thought expedient to be given to the inhabitants in his Majesty's district for obtaining from the Legislature an effectual Quit Rent Law.

His Majesty to confirm all titles of land obtained either from the Crown or the Lords Proprietors, as well as such original Grants and records as may be proved to have been lost or destroyed by fire or unavoidable accidents. All persons being compelled to pay Quit Rents for surplusages of land within the bounds of their Patents or that such surplusage be resumed by the Crown.

All arrears of Quit Rents to within one year from the time the Act takes effect to be released by his Majesty.