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33 images with subject Disaster relief--North Carolina.

  • See special descriptive matter referring to these Illustrations on page 141. [Appeared on page 141 in original.](1) Home of a typical Rural Rehabilitation family, Alexander County. (2) Children of this Rural Rehabilitation family, Alexander County. (3) House built for Relief Family, Brunswick County. (4) The home of a Relief family in Iredell County. This house was built during the winter months of 1934. Through field work the mother secured $20 with which she purchased a one-acre tract of land. A neighbor offered her the logs in a near-by house which had fallen down. She and her son, with the help of some neighbors, put these logs together, making a one-room cabin. There was nothing with which to chink the cracks, and late November found the family with no chimney and no way to keep out the cold winter air. The mother then agreed to pick 2,000 pounds of cotton for a neighbor if he would give her the brick in a chimney left in his field from a building that had burned there several years before. She and her children took this chimney down and carried the brick about a mile to their cabin. It was then that the Relief Administration, together with the County Welfare Department, gave her assistance in building the chimney and boarding up the inside of the cabin. Eleven persons live in this one room. (5) Rural Rehabilitation client, Craven County. This family purchased one acre of land and constructed the house from farm income under the Rural Rehabilitation Program of 1934. (6) Alexander County. The head of this family worked under the CWA program, saved his money and bought a small tract of land on which there was a tobacco barn. With the aid of his wife and children he gathered field stones and built a chimney, then added a room and porch, in this way converting the barn into a livable home. The owner and his family are delighted to have had an opportunity to acquire a home and are planning through the Rural Rehabilitation Program to buy necessary stock and equipment so that they may become self-supporting. (7) Rural Rehabilitation family, Rutherford County. This family built the cabin themselves, out of slabs. The land had no house on it. (8) Relief family, Iredell County. This is an illustration of the need for relief. The family is tragically poor. The father does not have either the willingness or the intelligence to provide for the family. There was one bed for the entire family. A pile of cotton in one corner of the room furnished the bed and covering for part of the family. Food was prepared on the hearth, for there was no cook stove. A "hoe-cake" was broken into bits and handed to members of the family, since there was no table at which the family could sit, and there were no dishes from which food could be served. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • AMOUNTS APPROVED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION AND BY GOVERNMENTAL UNITS FOR PROJECTS IN VARIOUS FIELDS OF ACTIVITY MARCH 29, 1934-DECEMBER 5, 1935 Prepared by Statistical Department Note: Any cost less than ten thousand dollars is not indicated on the chart. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • AMOUNTS APPROVED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION AND BY GOVERNMENTAL UNITS FOR PROJECTS IN VARIOUS FIELDS OF ACTIVITY MARCH 29, 1934-DECEMBER 5, 1935 Note: Any cost less than ten thousand dollars is not indicated on the chart. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • AVERAGE RELIEF BENEFITS PER PERSON BY SIZE OF FAMILY FEBRUARY, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • AVERAGE RELIEF BENEFITS PER RELIEF PERSON—BY COUNTIES JUNE, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • AVERAGE RELIEF BENEFITS, PER CAPITA—FOR 12 MONTHS APRIL, 1934 THROUGH MARCH, 1935 The wide variation of average relief benefits per capital depended greatly upon the intensity* * Percentage of population on relief. of relief. This chart should be compared to the census figures of population and tabulation of relief population by counties found on page 54. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • DISTRIBUTION OF RELIEF BY TYPE JULY, 1934, THROUGH FEBRUARY, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDENT PERSONS ON RELIEF IN NORTH CAROLINA JUNE, 1935 1 DOT = 100 Persons on Relief From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES AND EXPENDITURES OF GOVERNMENTAL UNITS FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY FIELDS OF ACTIVITY MARCH 29, 1934—DECEMBER 5, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES AND EXPENDITURES OF GOVERNMENTAL UNITS FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY FIELDS OF ACTIVITY MARCH 29, 1934—DECEMBER 5, 1935 Note Governmental expenditures based on percent completed N. C. ERA allotments—56 per cent average for all fields of study. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • EMERGENCY WORK RELIEF PROGRAM OF THE NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, APRIL 1, 1934 TO DECEMBER 5, 1935 NOTE—Black area represents the average for each month of the number of workers employed each week. The black plus the white area represents the maximum number employed in any one week of each month. The black area plus the white area plus the shaded area represents the number of relief cases employed on projects each month. The vertical bar chart of the number of workers employed does not include emergency education and administrative projects. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • EXPENDITURES OF ERA DOLLAR APRIL, 1935 N. C. ERA From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • FAMILIES AND SINGLE PERSONS RECEIVING RELIEF BY MONTHS APRIL, 1933, THROUGH DECEMBER, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • GENERAL RELIEF CASE LOAD FOR NORTH CAROLINA BY MONTHS From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • HOW THE CLIENT'S DOLLAR IS SPENT BASED ON OBLIGATIONS INCURRED FOR RELIEF APRIL, 1934, THROUGH MARCH, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • OBLIGATIONS INCURRED FROM PUBLIC FUNDS BY QUARTERS † Exclusive of Surplus Commodities, funds for other Federal Agencies, Self-help Coöperatives, etc. APRIL, 1933, THROUGH DECEMBER, 1935 N.C.ERA
    * The increase in obligations incurred during the second quarter of 1935 was due to the rapid expansion of the Rural Rehabilitation Program in North Carolina. That expansion included purchases for fertilizers, seed, farm equipment and stock in addition to subsistence grants to Rural Rehabilitation clients all over and above the regular functions of the Emergency Relief Program. Seasonal farm activities made necessary this enlarged expenditure. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • NORTH CAROLINA A comparison of the values of 13 principal field crops, canned vegetables and fruits, subsistence gardens, and meat, produced by Relief Families in the Farm and Garden Program in 1934. Total estimated value of gardens, field crops, meat, etc. . . . .$6,750,775.25 Total estimated value of field crops grown by Administrative units. . . . .176,733.74 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION DISTRICTS AFTER CONSOLIDATION OF COUNTY UNITS—NOVEMBER 1934—AUGUST 1935 (Districts 6 and 25 consolidated into Districts 10 and 26 respectively) From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION DISTRICTS AFTER SEPTEMBER 1935 ARRANGED BY AREAS COTERMINOUS WITH THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • OBLIGATIONS INCURRED IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF FROM PUBLIC FUNDS From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF CASE LOAD BETWEEN WHITE AND COLORED From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT OF POPULATION ON RELIEF BY COUNTIES AUGUST, 1934 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT OF POPULATION ON RELIEF BY COUNTIES JANUARY, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT OF POPULATION ON RELIEF BY COUNTIES MAY, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT OF POPULATION ON RELIEF BY COUNTIES OCTOBER, 1934 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • PER CENT RELIEF AND GENERAL POPULATION IN NORTH CAROLINA BY COLOR AND PLACE OF RESIDENCE From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • RESIDENCE OF RELIEF CASES NORTH CAROLINA JUNE, 1935 TOTAL RELIEF CASES FOR MONTH 62,010 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • SIZE OF FAMILY—RELIEF AND GENERAL POPULATION JANUARY, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • SIZE OF FAMILY—RELIEF AND GENERAL POPULATION JUNE, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • SOCIAL SECURITY SURVEY OF EMERGENCY RELIEF CASES COVERED BY THE FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY ACT STATE TOTAL FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO REASON FOR DEPENDENCY From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • SUMMARY OF ELIGIBLE WORKERS 16 TO 64 YEARS OF AGE BASED ON COMPLETE CENSUS OF ELIGIBLE WORKERS ON RELIEF, WITH ALL PRIORITY RANKINGS FOR WORK, NORTH CAROLINA—MARCH, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • SUMMARY OF ELIGIBLE WORKERS 16 TO 64 YEARS OF AGE BASED ON COMPLETE CENSUS OF ELIGIBLE WORKERS ON RELIEF, WITH FIRST PRIORITY RANKING FOR WORK, NORTH CAROLINA—MARCH, 1935 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.

  • WHAT THE STATES PAID TO THE FEDERAL TREASURY IN TAXES IN 1933 From Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State Administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. Kirk, Walter A. Cutter [and] Thomas W. Morse.