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of the One Hundred and Eighty-Third Session
of Orange Presbytery, Held At Oakland Church,
Johnston County, N. C., October 1861:

Electronic Edition.

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Orange.

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Title Page

OCTOBER, 1861.


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Friday, Oct. 25th, 1861.

        The Presbytery met according to adjournment and was opened with a sermon by Rev. J. Henry Smith, Moderator, from Proverbs 29c: 25v,"Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." Constituted with prayer.

        Present: Thomas Lynch, Jacob Doll, A. Currie, C. K. Caldwell, F. N. Whaley, J. W. Montgomery, Jos. M. Atkinson, P. H. Dalton, John B. Shearer, J. Henry Smith, E. H. Harding, F. H. Johnston, R. J. Graves, Drury Lacy, D. D., and Jas. C. Alexander, Ministers; with John Morrow, David Wharton, H. G. Hill, J. L. Woods, J. W. Hodges and Geo. Thompson, Ruling Elders.

        Absent: E. W. Caruthers, D. D., Alex. Wilson, D.D., G. W. Ferrill, James Phillips, D. D., Edward Hines, E. C. Bittinger, A. G. Hughes, S. A. Stanfield, Tho's U. Faucette, T. G. Wall, J . M. Kirkpatrick, W. L. Miller, P. A. McMartin, T. B. Neill, D . E. Jordan, A. D. Hepburn and W. A. Wood, Ministers.

        Rev. P. H. Dalton was elected Moderator, and Rev. F. H. Johnston and Mr. H. G. Hill, Temporary Clerks.

        On motion, Rev. J. H. Smith and Rev. C. K. Caldwell, with Mr. John W. Hodges, were appointed a Committee on Devotional Exercises.

        The following Ruling Elders were added to the standing Committees on the examination of candidates, viz.:

        1st Committee, John Morrow; 2d do., H. G. Hill; 3rd do.,

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Geo. Thompson; 4th do., H. G. Hill; 5th do., J. L. Woods; 6th do., D. Wharton; 7th do., J. W. Hodges; 8th do., D. Wharton.

        Rev. D. Lacy, D. D., was appointed in the place of Rev. T. G. Wall, and Rev. P. H. Dalton in the place of Rev. T. B. Neill, on the Committee on Physical Sciences.

        Rev. R. J. Graves was appointed in place of Rev. J. M. Sherwood on the Committee on Mental and Moral Science.

        On motion, Rev. John B. Shearer and Rev. J. W. Montgomery were appointed a Committee to prepare a Narrative of the state of religion for Synod.

        On motion, Rev. J. H. Smith and Rev. D. Lacy, D. D., with Mr. John Morrow, were appointed to prepare for Synod a Report on Systematic Benevolence.

        A letter from Rev. T. B. Neill was read, requesting to be dismissed from this Presbytery to join the Presbytery of Charleston. This request was granted.

        A letter from Rev. S. A. Stanfield was read, assigning satisfactory reasons for his absence from the present sessions of Presbytery.

        A letter from Rev. T. G. Wall was read, requesting Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation existing between himself and the church of Newbern. This letter was referred to a Committee consisting of Rev. Jacob Doll, Rev. Archibald Currie and Mr. George Thompson, Ruling Elder.

        A communication from the Session of Ashboro' Church was read, and on motion it was referred to the Committee of Domestic Missions.

        Rev. C. K. Caldwell and Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson rendered satisfactory reasons for absence from the last regular meeting of Presbytery.

        Rev. C. K. Caldwell offered the following resolution, which was adopted, viz:

        Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to report what action this Presbytery ought to take in regard to our relations to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and in regard to the formation of a General Assembly in the Confederate States of America.

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        In accordance with the above resolution, the Moderator appointed the following Committee, viz:

        Cyrus K. Caldwell, Thomas Lynch, John W. Montgomery and Jacob Doll, Ministers, with Mr. George Thompson, Ruling Elder.

        On motion, Rev. Jos. M. Atkinson obtained leave of absence from Presbytery after the session of to-morrow morning.

        The Committee appointed to install Rev. William A. Wood pastor of the Church of Washington reported that they had performed that duty.

        The Committee appointed to install Rev. James C. Alexander pastor of the Bethel Church reported that they bad performed that duty.

        The Committee appointed to organize a Church at Thomasville reported that they had not yet seen the way open to organize a Church at that place. This Committee was continued.

        The Committee appointed to organize a Church at Haw River not being present, no report was made.

        The Committee appointed to organize a Church at Long's Mills reported that they had organized a Church at that place with four members. Mr. William J. Long was elected Ruling Elder. Six members were added on examination-- The prospects of the Church are good. The report was adopted.

        The Committee appointed to organize a Church at Winston reported that the way was not yet clear to organize a Church there, and requested to be continued. This request was granted.

        The Committee appointed to visit Roxboro Church not being present, there was no report presented.

        The Committee on Church Extension made the following report which was accepted and adopted, viz:

        The Committee on Church Extension beg leave to report that no applications have been made to them since the last meeting of Presbytery.

        Ministers were called upon to state whether they had complied with the requisition of the third chapter of the Directory for Public Worship.

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        It appeared that this requisition had been generally complied with.

        The Committee on the oversight of candidates not being present, no report was made.

        Mr. Halbert G. Hill was received under the care of Presbytery as a candidate for the Gospel Ministry, after a satisfactory examination on his experimental acquaintance with religion and his motives for seeking the Ministry.

        Rev. J. Henry Smith was, on motion, appointed Treasurer of Presbytery pro-tem.

        Presbytery then adjourned until 9 1/2 o'clock to-morrow morning. Closed with prayer.

SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 26th, 1861.

        Presbytery met according to adjournment and was opened with prayer by the Moderator.

        The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.

        Rev. Archibald Currie requested Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation existing between himself and the Church of Eno. It appearing to the satisfaction of Presbytery that the Church united with him in this request, the pastoral relation was on motion dissolved, and the Rev. R. J. Graves was appointed to visit the said Church and declare it vacant.

        On motion, permission was granted to Rev. A. Currie to act as Stated Supply to the Church of Eno.

        The hour for the order of the day having arrived, Presbytery spent an hour in devotional exercises.

        Messrs. Jesse H. Lindsay, John W. Norwood, William S. Kirkland and Richard Seawell, Ruling Elders from the Churches of Greensboro, Hillsboro, New Hope and Milburnie respectively, appeared in Presbytery and took their seats.

        Rev. James Phillips, D. D., and Rev. D. E. Jordan appeared in Presbytery and after rendering satisfactory reasons for tardiness took their seats.

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        Rev. D. E. Jordan also rendered satisfactory reasons for absence from the last meeting of Presbytery.

        On motion, Rev. E. H. Harding and Rev. John B. Shearer were appointed pro-tem. on the 1st Standing Committee on the examination of candidates.

        Mr. John W. Norwood, Ruling Elder from the Church at Hillsboro, requested in behalf of that Church that the pastoral relation existing between it and the Rev. P. A. McMartin be dissolved.

        It appearing to the satisfaction of the Presbytery that Mr. McMartin united in this request, the following minute was adopted:

        Resolved, That the pastoral relation between Rev. P. A. McMartin and the Church of Hillsboro be dissolved.

        Rev. Alexander Wilson, D. D., was appointed to visit said Church and declare it vacant.

        On motion, permission was granted to the Hillsboro' Church to employ Rev. H. B. Pratt, of the Presbytery of Cherokee, as Stated Supply.

        The Committee to whom was referred the letter from Rev. T. G. Wall asking a dissolution of the pastoral relation existing between himself and the Church of Newbern, report: that whereas the Presbytery has no evidence of the willingness of the Church of Newbern to acquiesce in this request, therefore

        Resolved, That the Stated Clerk be directed to cite the Congregation to appear by its Commissioners at the next meeting of Presbytery, and show cause, if any they have, why the Presbytery should not accept the resignation.

        The Churches were called on to report whether they have any poor supported by public charity.

        It appeared that Churches having poor among them, provided for them.

        The Churches were called upon to state whether the expenses of their delegates to Presbytery and Synod have been paid. It appeared that these expenses had generally been paid.

        Mr. William M. Kilpatrick, a licentiate, was at his own request

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dismissed to place himself under the care of Concord Presbytery.

        The list of delinquent Churches was called to ascertain whether they had paid their assessments for the Presbyterial fund.

        Presbytery then adjourned to meet on next Monday morning at 9 1/2 o'clock. Closed with prayer.

MONDAY MORNING, October 28th, 1861.

        Presbytery met according to adjournment and was opened with prayer by the Moderator.

        The minutes of Saturday were read and approved.

        Rev. Thomas U. Faucette appeared in Presbytery and after rendering satisfactory reasons for tardiness took his seat.

        The following report was accepted and adopted :

        The Committee of Examination of Candidates on Geography and History report that they have examined Mr. H. G. Hill on these subjects and recommend that the examination be sustained as part of trial.

        On motion, Mr. William A. McDonald, an unlicensed candidate for the Ministry, was at his own request dismissed to place himself under the care of Fayetteville Presbytery.

        Ashboro' was chosen as the place, and the second Wednesday in June 1862, at 8 o'clock, P. M., as the time for the next regular meeting of Presbytery.

        The free conversation on the state of religion in our bounds was made the order of the day for 2 o'clock this afternoon.

        Rev. Archibald Currie, with Rev. S. A. Stanfield as alternate, was appointed to preach the next semi-annual sermon before Presbytery on the subject of Domestic Missions.

        On motion, permission was given to Mr. H. G. Hill to avail himself of the proceeds of the Devereaux Scholarship in Union Theological Seminary during his Theological course.

        The hour for the first order of the day having arrived, Presbytery heard the semi-annual sermon by Rev. James Phillips,

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D. D., on the following subject, viz: The success of christianity a proof of its Divine Origin.

        The hour for the second order of the day having arrived, Presbytery spent one hour in the free conversation on the state of religion in our churches.

        Presbytery then adjourned to meet on to-morrow morning at 9 1/2 o'clock. Closed with prayer.

TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 29th, 1861.

        Presbytery met according to adjournment and was opened with prayer.

        The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.

        The free conversation on the state of religion was again taken up and concluded.

        The Committee of Examination of Candidates on Mental and Moral Science reported that they had examined Mr. H. G. Hill on the above subjects, that the examination was satisfactory, and they recommended that it be sustained as a part of trial. This report was accepted and adopted.

        The following resolutions were passed respecting the state of the Treasury:

        1. Resolved, That the Treasurer of Presbytery be directed to borrow from the Education fund, the sum of four hundred dollars to pay the salaries of Missionaries due for the present year, and that the amount so borrowed shall be repaid out of funds collected for Domestic Missions within the next twelve months.

        2. Resolved, That the Treasurer of Presbytery be directed to borrow a sum of money sufficient to pay the expenses of our Commissioners to the General Assembly at Augusta, Georgia.

        3. Resolved, That the Treasurer of Presbytery be directed to send the funds now in his hands, for the Board of Foreign Missions, to Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D. D., late Secretary of the Assembly's Board of Foreign Missions in the United States.

        A report was read from Mr. John C. Denny, a licentiate under the care of this Presbytery, giving an account of his labors at Speedwell and Haw River.

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        In consequence of certain irregularities brought to light in this report connected with the congregation of Speedwell, on motion the following Committee was appointed to visit Speedwell and look after the interests of that Church. The Committee consists of Rev. James C. Alexander, Rev. D. E. Jordan and Mr. William B. Carter.

        The Chairman pro-tem. of the Committee of Domestic Missions made a report, which was accepted and adopted and ordered to be filed away among the papers of the Committee.

        The following list of supplies proposed by the Committee of Domestic Missions was accepted and adopted, viz :


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        On motion, it was resolved that the thanks of this Presbytery are due, and are hereby cordially tendered to the members of the Oakland Church and Congregation, and also to families of other christian denominations in the community, for their kind and very generous hospitalities to its members during the present sessions of Presbytery.

        Rev. Cyrus K. Caldwell, Chairman of the Committee on our relations to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States,&c., made the following report, which was accepted and adopted:

        "The Committee appointed to report what action Presbytery ought to take in regard to our relations to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and relative to the formation of a new Assembly in the Confederate States, respectfully submit the following.:

        This Presbytery, at its last meeting, resolved to send to all the Presbyteries in the Confederate States an invitation to meet in Convention in Augusta, Georgia, on the 4th day of December, 1861, with a view to an early organization of a General Assembly separate from the General Assembly in the United States.

        Since that meeting, it has become evident to this Presbytery that it is the wish of a majority of the Presbyteries in the Confederate States to organize a General Assembly instead of a Convention; and as this Presbytery gives its earnest sympathy to this movement, and desires to put itself in a position to co-operate with them, this body has fully determined to take the position set forth in the appended resolutions, for the following reasons, viz:

        1. We regard the action of the Assembly in adopting a series of resolutions

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requiring us to sustain, unhold and encourage the Federal Government, as unconstitutional, oppressive and schismatic.

        2. The uncharitable and even hostile disposition manifested in the late Assembly towards the people and government of the Confederate States, in our opinion, precludes the possibility of maintaining friendly and fraternal intercourse.

        3. The cordial and undivided sympathy of our Ministers and Churches is with the Government and interests of the Confederate States.

        For these reasons, be it

        Resolved, 1. That the Presbytery of Orange, repudiating all desire of reform in anything peculiarly Presbyterian, in the fear of God and under the guidance of his most wise and holy Providence does hereby renounce the jurisdiction of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America.

        Resolved, 2. That we, in this act disclaim any intention of dissolving our connection with the Synod of North Carolina or any of the Synods or Presbyteries in the Confederate States.

        Resolved, 3. That we do now set forth and declare our continued adherence, as heretofore, to the Confession of Faith, Catechisms, Form of Government, Book of Discipline and Directory for Worship in the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, with the single change of substituting the words"Confederate States" for"United States."

        Resolved, 4. That Commissioners be appointed to meet and co-operate with Commissioners from other Presbyteries of the same faith and purpose, in organizing a General Assembly in the city of Augusta, Georgia, on the 4th day of December, 1861. And we do unite with the Atlanta Convention in requesting the Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., of New Orleans to preach the opening sermon and to preside at the organization, and that the Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D., of Augusta, be his alternate; and we do also request Rev. J. H. Gray, D. D., and Rev. J. N. Waddel, D. D., of the Presbytery of Memphis, and Dr. Joseph H. Jones, of Augusta, Georgia, Ruling Elder, to meet on the evening previous at the same place and act as a Committee of Commissions.

        Resolved, 5. That in renouncing the authority of the old Assembly this Presbytery does not thereby disown its claims on Princeton Seminary to the Funds of the Female Scholarship of Orange Presbytery, or upon the General Assembly to its just proportion of the property of the Boards."

        Before taking the vote on the act of separation from the General Assembly, Rev. A. G. Hughes led the Presbytery in prayer.

        The Committee appointed to prepare a narrative on the State-- of Religion made a report, which was accepted, adopted and ordered to be forwarded to the Synod of North Carolina.

        The following Commissioners were elected to meet Commissioners from other Presbyteries in the Confederate States, at

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Augusta, Georgia, on the 4th day of December, 1861, for the purpose of forming a new General Assembly.

        Ministers: P. H. Dalton, with Jacob Doll, alternate.
" " Drury Lacy, D. D.," C. K. Caldwell,"
Ruling Elders: J. H. Lindsay, with A. Hargrave, alternate
"" Chas. Phillips," John Bullock, "

        The Committee on the examination of Candidates on Physical Sciences, report that they have examined Mr. H. G. Hill on those subjects, as far as time would permit, and recommend that his examination be sustained as a part of trial. This report was accepted and adopted.

        Presbytery then adjourned, with singing, prayer and the apostolic benediction, to meet in Raleigh, at the call of the Moderator, during the sessions of Synod.


Stated Clerk.

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RALEIGH, N. C., October 31st, 1861.

        Presbytery met at the call of the Moderator and was opened with prayer.

        The Committee appointed to prepare a report on Systematic Benevolence for the Synod of North Carolina, presented the following which was accepted and adopted:

        "Though there are fifty-one Churches reported as under our care, yet five stand without any membership reported at all, and eight so small that their aggregate is but eighty-four members.

        Of the whole number of Churches, fourteen report no collections at all for any of the Boards. Among these, however, are the above five Churches, that stand on our list, whose membership is not stated. They are doubtless very small. But there are several, we are sorry to say, that take up no collections, and yet report as many as ninety-four, forty- seven, thirty and less members. Seven Churches report only one collection; among these are several Churches that number one hundred and forty-four, one hundred and twenty-seven, fifty and less members.

        Nine Churches report two collections; among these are Churches that number one hundred and eighty-five, one hundred and twenty, one hundred and four and less members.

        Three Churches report three collections. They average eighty members each.

        Eight Churches, containing an aggregate of seven hundred and sixty-three members, report four collections.

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        Nine Churches, containing an aggregate of seven hundred and thirty-six members, report collections for all the five Boards.

        Twenty of our Churches, therefore, containing about half of the membership in the Presbytery, report over two collections per annum for the Boards.

        Thirty-six Churches contribute to the cause of Domestic Missions; twenty-four to Foreign Missions; twenty-five to Education; sixteen to Publication, and thirteen to Church Extension.

        We believe that the subject of regular contributions is more and more attended to, and that our people are growing more liberal. The aggregate is gratifying, if compared with other Presbyteries, or with the number and amount of our own contributions in former years. We believe our Churches are growing in this grace."

        Presbytery then adjourned to meet at the call of the Moderator during the sessions of Synod. Closed with prayer.

RALEIGH, N. C., Nov. 2d, 1861.

        Presbytery met at the call of the Moderator, and was opened with prayer.

        The following parts of trial were assigned to Mr. H. G. Hill:

        For a Latin Exegesis, Quae est fides? " " Critical Exercise, Hebrews, 6: 1st to 6th verses inclusive. " " Lecture, Matt. 20: 1st to 16th verses inclusive. " " Popular Sermon, Proverbs, 16: 9th verse.

        The Presbytery then adjourned to meet in Ashboro', Randolph County, N. C., on the second Wednesday in June, 1862, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Closed with prayer.


J. DOLL, Stated Clerk.