Title: Oral History Interview with Jane Squires, September 21, 2002. Interview R-0192.
Identifier: R-0192
Interviewer: Mansfield, William
Interviewee: Squires, Jane
Extent: 01:06:01
Abstract:  Jane Squires became a tobacco auctioneer for the United States Department of Agriculture in 1989, following her father into a male-dominated profession. In this interview, she describes her career, from her efforts to establish herself without insinuating herself into its masculine social culture, to the complex mechanics of the tobacco auction. Squires earned acceptance in the profession despite, or perhaps because of, her effort to isolate herself from the men who dominated it, choosing not to stay at hotels used by sellers and buyers at auctions, or socializing only with men who brought their wives. This decision enhanced her image as a professional, and while she still faced challenges on the warehouse floor, she showed auction participants that she was a serious auctioneer. This interview offers a thorough look at tobacco auctioneering as well as insights into one woman's foray into a male-dominated profession.