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Title: Letter from Joseph Caldwell to Rev. William McPheeters, January 1, 1834: Electronic Edition.
Author: Caldwell, Joseph, 1773-1835
Funding from the University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supported the electronic publication of this title.
Text transcribed by Bari Helms
Images scanned by Bari Helms
Text encoded by Brian Dietz
First Edition, 2005
Size of electronic edition: ca. 18K
Publisher: The University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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The electronic edition is a part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill digital library, Documenting the American South.
Languages used in the text: English
Revision history:
2005-06-29, Brian Dietz finished TEI/XML encoding.
Title of collection: University of North Carolina Papers (#40005), University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title of document: Letter from Joseph Caldwell to Rev. William McPheeters, January 1, 1834
Author: Jos. Caldwell
Description: 9 pages, 10 page images
Note: Call number 40005 (University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
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Letter from Joseph Caldwell to Rev. William McPheeters , January 1, 1834
Caldwell, Joseph, 1773-1835

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Chapel Hill Jany. 1, 1834

Dear Sir,

I find that in the present state of my health, and in such weather as we now have, and in the present condition of the roads, it will not be in my power to come to Raleigh. I hope it will be of little or no consequence whether I do or not.
You will find by the papers which are sent in company with this, that four of the professors have had a meeting, and their opinions and proceedings are fully expressed in regard to such regulations and measures as appear to them of consequence to the welfare of the college. These papers are supposed by us to come before the Committee of which you are a member. Should they have the concurrence of the Committee, it will be only to make them or the substance of them such part of their report to the Board, as they may think proper.
You mention in your letter sent since my return home that it is likely that the Board will think it best to have five professors besides the president. We have not considered the principal Tutorship as standing for one of them. We have called the incumbent the First or Principal Tutor. Should

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the Board be of the opinion that they can consistently constitute a Faculty of the University such as is here presented for their consideration, it will be a more complete and competent body than has yet been furnished. That it is not extravagant, and does not contain unnecessary numbers, will appear by some catalogues which are sent with these papers, showing the corps of instruction in some of the superior and well conducted institutions of our country. Our numbers after all are not nearly equal to what we find in some, but we doubt not they will be sufficient both for the instruction and good government of the institution. With anything short of these, if it be in our power to provide for them, none it is hoped would say that the Trustees of the University of North Carolina would stop and rest contented.

I am Yours: very respectfully & sincerely

Jos. Caldwell

Back page

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On the 24th of December 1833, a meeting of professors was held at the University. The following persons were present: Jos. Caldwell , Elisha Mitchell , William Hooper , and James Phillips . William Anderson being absent from home at the time, his attendance could not be obtained.
It was explained to the meeting by one of the members present, that at a session of the Board of Trustees recently held in Raleigh, it had become an object to devise and adopt the most eligible scheme of instruction and internal regulation especially for the Sophomore and Freshman Classes, which the present state of the institution will admit.
For the accomplishment of this object a select Committee had been appointed by the Board. In prosecuting the business assigned to them, the Committee had requested of the professors, or as many of them as could be assembled, such suggestions and expositions as might be pertinent to the object proposed, and most instrumental in its attainment.
After deliberation the professors would offer the following plan as the most eligible that occurs to them in

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existing circumstances.
It is proposed that there shall be three Tutors, of whom one is to be styled the first or principal Tutor. His business as an instructor is to teach the latin and french languages, with a salary of $750 a year.
A second Tutor is proposed to give instruction exclusively in greek, and a third in mathematics.
From the opportunity which the professors have had in times past, of being conversant with the influences which act upon young men in regard to the tutorships, it is thought that the salary of $400 is not sufficient to induce persons of competent qualifications to accept these offices. In our own State, the University itself is the source to which we are to look principally, if not entirely for young men who can act with requisite ability as Tutors. We shall not possess the advantages common to the colleges of our country, if we be not able to secure and induce into the tutorship, graduates of the very first rank in scholarship and talents, when their services are wanted from year to year.
If we limit the salaries of tutors to $400,

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gentlemen of high qualifications will undoubtedly be called away from us, or if they accept of our tutorships for want of instant offers of higher salaries, they will soon be tempted to desert us by the more liberal compensations which it is in the power of every petty institution in the country to proffer over our heads. To effectual action in a tutorship, weight of character is of very great importance. The requisite influence can be established only by time. A new tutor must always continue to officiate for the first months after entering on his office, under disadvantages necessarily greater or less. It is not until he has passed through many trials in instruction and government that his authority can be established. It is desirable, nay it is of the first consequence to the discipline and character of the college that this authority should be united with the best scholarship, & the most commendatory qualifications in the instructors. With the salary of a tutor as it now is, it is hopeless to secure either eminent abilities or continuance in office.
To obtain for the University a tolerable prospect of success in competing for the services of her own graduates

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we would propose that the salaries of Tutors be established as follows:
    A graduate who has never taught shall receive per annum . . . . .$450
    A graduate who has taught one year . . . . .500
    A graduate who has taught two years . . . . .600
Some regulations respecting the duties of the Tutors have been already adopted by the Board at a former meeting. They are repeated here for the sake of connection, and are as follows.
"It shall be the duty of the Tutors to reside in the college buildings and to be personally present in them with as much constancy as possible, not only in the hours of study, but at all other times: to maintain order and decorum among the students, and to assist under the direction of the president and professors in the instruction of the classes."
"Should a Tutor at any time find it necessary to be absent from the college during the session, the case should be stated by him to the president (that it may be known whether the college can dispense with his personal attendance in existing circumstances, and the case to be judged of by the president*) that provision may be made

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for the instruction and government which are to devolve upon others during his absence."
"It is the duty of every member of the Faculty individually to be vigilant in carrying into effect the laws of the college, and to report to the president or to the Faculty, transgressions which ought to be punished by that body. A great object of the Board in appointing tutors to occupy rooms in the college buildings is to suppress disorders and to prevent noise and mischief (at all times) in the rooms and passages, and in other places either in the village, or in the neighborhood of the colleges." (In doing this they are expected to set not only individually, but unitedly; nor in one building only, but in all the buildings promiscuously, as emergencies may require.*)
To these provisions already adopted by the Board, it it is recommended to add the following.
It shall be the duty of a Tutor when he is to hear a class recite, to go to the recitation room and take possession of it a reasonable time before the hour for the bell to ring, to prevent assemblages of students

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before the proper time, and to see that the recitation room is in a proper condition for the reception of the class. The recitation of a class shall continue through the whole hour at least, or till the bell shall give notice of its expiration.

Upon comparing our course of Education with the systems of other colleges, it will be found that the standard of education with them is more advanced and elevated than it is with us. We would recommend that it should be advanced and elevated in some corresponding degree in this college. If it should be done all at once it would probably exclude the entrance of a freshman class for a year. To prevent this it is desirable to authorize the Faculty to augment the requisitions for entering the freshman class by small quantities at a time, so that in a year or two we may call upon candidates for the freshman class to come prepared on all that it may be thought proper to require. It is recommended that a resolution be adopted by the Board giving this authority to the Faculty. We would refer especially to the catalogues and

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systems of studies now received in Cambridge and New Haven, for comparison on this subject.

All which is respectfully submitted

J. Caldwell

* The clause in the parentheses is not in the resolution actually adopted but is recommended to be inserted.

* The clause in parentheses is recommended to be added.