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Title: Letter from William R. Davie to John Haywood, June 9, 1805: Electronic Edition.
Author: Davie, William Richardson, 1756-1820
Funding from the University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supported the electronic publication of this title.
Text transcribed by Bari Helms
Images scanned by Sarah Ficke
Text encoded by Brian Dietz
First Edition, 2005
Size of electronic edition: ca. 11K
Publisher: The University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

No Copyright in US

The electronic edition is a part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill digital library, Documenting the American South.
Languages used in the text: English
Revision history:
2005-10-25, Brian Dietz finished TEI/XML encoding.
Title of collection: University of North Carolina Papers (#40005), University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title of document: Letter from William R. Davie to John Haywood, June 9, 1805
Author: W. R. Davie
Description: 3 pages, 4 page images
Note: Call number 40005 (University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Editorial practices
The text has been encoded using the recommendations for Level 5 of the TEI in Libraries Guidelines.
Originals are in the University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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Letter from William R. Davie to John Haywood , June 9, 1805
Davie, William Richardson, 1756-1820

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Halifax June 9h 1805

Dear Sir

I returned here from So Carolina on the 5h & had the pleasure to find your letter of the 16h of April, and thank you for your kind concern respecting my Health. I have now again been two months on the road, and return perfectly worn down. My constitution cannot now bear the degree of suffering, precaution and incessant toil, which when I enjoyed youth and health only gave me spirits and pleasure. Every thing must yield to time, and I have submitted with as good a grace as possible. My plan of life is to be completely changed, and more measures which are to lead me to a Repose I have long sighed for, and which in becoming every day more necessary for me are to commence this fall. My plan involves some painful sacrifice, but they are necessary and indispensable. A separation from friends to whom my heart has been tenderly attached for many years is among the most painful of all these; I anticipate it, I feel it as a prelude to that last separation to which the laws of our Nature compel us all to submit. About the illegible of November I propose to set out for South Carolina with a view to reside permanently on my Estate there; whether I shall pass thro' Raleigh or go

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by the Ridge, is not yet decided. If I take the former route I shall then have the pleasure of seeing you once more.
I expected to be at the University at Commencement, but I am obliged to carry my second daughter to Salem about the 25th of July, the time the superintendent has fixed for her reception, and in my situation, you will easily perceive, two journies cannot be made. The situation of the University is a distressing one, and the more so, as it is not likely to be soon capable of any remedy, being the necessary consequence of Legislative hostility to the Institution. The friends of science in the other states regard the people of North Carolina as a sort of Semi-Barbarians, among whom neither learning, virtue, nor men of science possess any estimation. The conduct of the Legislature for several years past has stamped this character on the state and it will take a long course of time, and contrary conduct and policy to efface the impression.
In South Carolina a professorship is more eagerly canvassed for than a secretaryship in the Government of the U.S., the consequence of that liberal spirit which has been displayed by their assembly; a fair, a handsome, and permanent inducement of the office of the Institution, they voted $10,000 to purchase a Library and Philosophical apparatus. What a contrast!! Poor No Carolina!
As to procuring a professor of languages, I can only advise that the enquiry should be kept up, and as much of this as possible thrown upon the President, who indeed is

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[the] proper person to make the choice of inferior officers as the whole responsibility in the management of the Institution turns personally upon him.
I wrote to you last about the 9h of February, I don't know whether you recd. the letter, it was intended to go by Mr. Cowen, and missed that conveyance, and was I believe put into the post office. Adieu my dear friend, and be assured you possess the warmest affections of my heart.

P.S. The above letter contained Gen. Jones recets for you. write me if you got it.

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