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Title: Sir, the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the University of North-Carolina..., April 15, 1837: Electronic Edition.
Author: University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Board of Trustees. Executive Committee
Funding from the University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supported the electronic publication of this title.
Text scanned (OCR) by Jesse Brown
Images scanned by Brian Dietz
Text encoded by Brian Dietz
First Edition, 2005
Size of electronic edition: ca. 25K
Publisher: The University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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2006-02-08, Brian Dietz finished TEI/XML encoding.
Title of document: Sir, the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the University of North-Carolina..., April 15, 1837
Author: [The Executive Committee of the Trustees of the University of North-Carolina]
Description: 2 pages, 3 page images
Note: Call number VCp378 UB1 (North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
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Sir, the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the University of North-Carolina..., April 15, 1837
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Board of Trustees. Executive Committee

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Raleigh, April 15th, 1837,


THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Trustees of the University of North-Carolina, consider it alike due to the community and the Institution, that correct information with respect to its present condition and future prospects, should be generally disseminated throughout the State. They have determined, therefore, to address a copy of this Communication to such gentlemen as may be supposed most likely to take an interest in the subject to which it relates, with the hope that more attention may be attracted to the College. They entertain the opinion, that upon every principle by which enlightened patriotism can be supposed to be influenced, they have a right to ask this much of the intelligence of the State; and they wish to be considered as asking no more. If the claims of the University to public patronage cannot be sustained, on a fair examination of the comparative advantages afforded by the most respectable Colleges in the country, they do not desire to be regarded as its advocates.
Whether the maintenance of at least one Literary Institution of high character, whatever may be the expense required to sustain it, is not essential to the interest and reputation of the State, is a consideration which may be properly addressed to the Legislature, but is entitled to little weight with a Parent anxious to secure the best opportunities of instruction for a son. With him the enquiry will be, not what the University should be, but what it is. To give a full and fair answer to this question, is the only object of this Communication.
The local situation of the village of Chapel Hill, is too well known to render description necessary. The salubrity of the climate has been most satisfactorily ascertained by the experience of more than forty years; and it is very certain that it is not surpassed in this respect, by the most favoured villages among the Mountains. The College edifices are well arranged, and sufficiently extensive for the accommodation of any number of Students that can be reasonably expected, or perhaps desired, to resort to the Institution. The three main buildings are now undergoing extensive and thorough repairs. The new Chapel will be completed in season for the Commencement Exercises in June. A Hall of the same dimensions will be speedily erected near the opposite end of the South Building , which is designed to perpetuate the name of the late venerable President of the University, and to afford the requisite space for the Laboratory, Philosophical Chamber, and Library, upon a scale corresponding with the character, and adapted to the wants of the Institution. In the mean time, arrangements will be made for the proper improvement of the Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, and gradual increase of the Library.
The attention of THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE has not been confined, however, to the mere improvement of the College edifices, and the increase of the Library and apparatus. These things are not unimportant in themselves, but are entitled to little consideration in comparison with the advantages to be derived from able, diligent and faithful instruction in the several departments of learning, and an impartial and enlightened administration of the laws of the College. They entertain the opinion, that the gentlemen who are at present charged with the performance of these arduous and important duties, will disappoint no reasonable expectations which may be entertained of them in all these respects. The Faculty consists of a President who is Professor of National and Constitutional Law, a Professor of Chemistry, a Professor of Ancient Languages, a Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, a Professor of Modern Languages and two Tutors.
The system of studies which is extensive and believed to be well arranged, extends through a period of four years, on the completion of which, the Student who sustains an approved examination receives the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The studies of the several classes are prosecuted in the following order, viz:
FRESHMAN CLASS—FIRST SESSION (commencing six weeks after the fourth Thursday of June)—Livy (Folsoms edition,) Algebra, English Grammar, Græca Majora (Cyropædia, Anabasis, and Polyænus.)
SECOND SESSION (commencing four weeks after the 15th of December)—Virgil's Georgics, Cicero's Orations, Græca Majora (Herodotus, Thucydides, Ælian and Memorabilia of Socrates,) Geometry.
SOPHOMORE CLASS—FIRST SESSION—Græca Majora (the Orators,) Horace, Gould's edition, (Odes and first book of Satires,) Exercises in making Latin, Analytical Trigonometry, with practical examples, Logarithms and Mensuration.
SECOND SESSION.—Horace completed except the Art of Poetry, Homer's Iliad, Cicero continued, Navigation and Surveying, Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry, Modern Geography revised.
JUNIOR CLASS—FIRST SESSION.—Analytical Geometry, Mechanical Philosphy, Cicero's Philosophical Works and Quinctilian, Græca Majora, (vol. 2, Homer's Odyssey) Rhetoric, Exercises in Latin construction, French throughout the session.
SECOND SESSION.—Differential and Integral Calculus, Mechanical Philosophy completed, Chronology, Greek Tragedy, Cicero's Philosophical Works and Epistles, Rhetoric completed, Exercises in Latin Construction, Elements of History, French thoughout the session.
SENIOR CLASS—FIRST SESSION.—Chemistry and Mineralogy, Technology, Mental Philosophy, Political Economy, Græca Majora, (the Tragedians) Horace's Art of Poetry, Exercises in Latin Construction, Astronomy, French.
SECOND SESSION.—Chemistry, Geology and Natural History, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, National and Constitutional Law, Astronomy, Tacitus, Græca Majora continued, (the Tragedians) Exercises in Latin and Greek Construction, French.
Composition and Declamation are attended to, throughout the whole collegiate course. Instruction in the Spanish Language will be given to those who desire it. All the Classess are required to attend Divine Worship in the Chapel on Sunday at 11 A. M. and in the evening, to recite on the evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, and on the Historical parts of the Old and New Testaments.
Applicants for admission into the Freshman Class, are required to sustain a satisfactory examination on the Grammar of the English, Latin and Greek Languages, including Latin Prosody, Mair's Introduction, Cæsar's Commentaries, (5 Books) Ovid's Metamorphoses, Gold's edition, (extracts from the first six books) Virgil's Bucolics and six books of the Æneid, Sallust, Greek Testament, (St. John's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles) Græca Minora or Greek Reader, Arithmetic, (Emerson's 3d part) and Worcester's Elements of Ancient and Modern Geograbhy.
The Executive Committee beg leave to urge upon Parents and Instructors, the importance of an earnest and thorough compliance with these requisitions. It is a fact which ought not to be disguised, that those Colleges at the North which have received the largest share of Southern patronage, have within a few years past so far relaxed in their terms of admission, as in effect to offer a premium of the most seductive character to many of our youth, for the desertion of their domestic Institutions. This system, as our most faithful Instructors of the preparatory Schools will testify, produces the most pernicious results. The Pupil becomes impatient of the restraints of School and of the gradual steps, absolutely necessary to fit him for receiving a Collegiate Education with advantage, slights and despises the efforts of his Teacher to secure accurate and solid Scholarship, and pants for a premature enjoyment of the freedom of College life. The consequence is soon perceived. He is sent to a distance from his natural guardians and becomes his own master, when he

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most needs the control and supervision of the Grammar School. His slovenly and half finished preparation, prevents him from ever being able to prosecute a course of College Studies with comfort to himself, or to rank with his better prepared Classmates, and after a brief struggle, dissatisfied with a standing below mediocrity, he becomes almost invariably careless and idle and dissipated. Unless this course of policy is promptly and vigorously checked by the combined efforts of Parents and Teachers, Colleges and Grammar Schools will become alike degraded and worthless. If the foundation of Education be radically defective, it is idle to expect that the superstructure can be perfect. He who supposes that the appropriate functions of the preparatory Teacher, either will or can be faithfully discharged at College, should desire the immediate demolition of all the Academies in the country.
The requisite measures have been adopted to confine the expenses of education within the most reasonable limits. The Steward's Hall has been thoroughly repaired, and though no Student is required to board there, it will be so managed as to compel the boarding house keepers to charge no more than reasonable prices. Upon this subject, THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE can give parents and guardians, the most confident assurances, that the necessary expenses of a Student do not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars per anuum, including clothes and pocket money. Some spend less: the expenditures of a majority exceed this amount, but a larger sum, is not essential either to the comfort or reputation of any one. Under the existing laws of the Institution, it is utterly impossible, that a prodigal expenditure of money can be made by a Student, without the culpable connivance of his Parent or Guardian. If it should ever occur therefore, no blame can be attached to the Institution, and the sufferer will be entitled to no commiseration.
By the Revised Laws of the State, it has beeu made an indictable offence to sell wines or spirituous liquors to a Student, or to sell him goods UPON CREDIT, without the written permission of a member of the Faculty. A Student on his arrival is required to deposit all his funds in the hands of the Bursar. No expenditure is permitted but under his direction, and an account without any charge for this service, is rendered to his Parent or Guardian, at the end of the session. By an Ordinance of the Executive Committee adopted in July, last any Student who shall contract a debt without the consent of the Bursar, will be dismissed, and the same penalty is attached to the payment by the Guardian of a debt so contracted.
An Act of Assembly passed in 1828 declared that all contracts made with a Student of the University, by any person should be void. No one therefore, is under any obligation either legal or moral, to pay a debt of this character, and a more valuable or acceptable service can scarcely be rendered to the Institution, than an invariable refusal to do so under any circumstances.
In addition to these salutary regulations, the Faculty are authorized in all cases, when the applicant is a native of the State, sustains a fair moral character, and upon examination is believed to possess the requisite mental endowments, natural and acquired, and is unable to pay the Tuition Fees, to admit him into any Class, for which he may be prepared, without charge either for Tuition or room-rent.
THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE have the pleasure to state, that although the patronage extended to the University, is in no degree commensurate with the resources and intelligence of the State, there is gratifying evidence, that the Institntion is growing in the confidence and affection of the community. The aggregate number of Students at present is but eighty-five. Of this number however, more than forty are members of the Freshman Class. No instance is known since the foundation of the College of so large a number of admissions into either of the Classes. It will be readily perceived, that a like number of applicants for admission at the approaching Commencement, would make a very favorable change in the aspect of our affairs.
In conclusion, the COMMITTEE beg leave to remark, that in the respects in which the citizens of North-Carolina can be regarded as least true to themselves, the most striking is the almost universal disposition to undervalue our own Institutions and our own citizens. An examination of the Catalogues of the Colleges of other States, will shew that quite as large a number of young men from this State are acquiring Collegiate education abroad, as at home. If by so doing, they were enjoying decidedly superior advantages, their course would be entitled to marked commendation. How far this is the case, two statements of well ascertained authenticity may enable the public to decide.
There is no instance known during a series of years, where a young man of regular standing in this Institution, has not been admitted into the same Class of any other College, to which he may have applied. A more remarkable fact is, that three young gentlemen who commenced their Collegiate course with the present Senior Class in the University, and prosecuted their studies through the most difficult part of the system, are, it is understood, to graduate in the course of the present year, one at a Western, a second at a Southern, and a third at a Northern Institution, of well established reputation—each one receiving the highest distinction in his Class.
It is clear to a demonstration, therefore, that our young men are not compelled to go abroad, to obtain an education in all respects equal to that given in the best Institutions in theUnited States; and that it is not necessary to make any sacrifice upon the altar of State pride, in order to remain at home. That many advantages, aside from the learning acquired at College, would result from the formation of lasting friendships and associations which would grow up among those who are to constitute no small proportion of our future rulers, by the patronage of a State Institution, no one can doubt. It is not less clear, that many evils, the nature of which it is not necessary to explain, might be avoided by the adoption of that course, upon the part of Parents and Guardians, upon this subject, which seems to be demanded, no less by interest than by patriotism.







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