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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Certificate from the Vestry of Christ Church Parish, Craven County, concerning the work of James Reed
Christ Church Parish (Craven County)
March 03, 1760
Volume 06, Page 230

[From North Carolina Letter Book. S. P. G.]
Certificate of the Vestry in Craven County in favor of Mr. Read.

March 3rd 1760.

We, the subscribers, the Church wardens, and only vestrymen at present qualified, of Christ Church Parish, which is the whole extent of Craven County in the Province of North Carolina. do hereby certify that the Revd James Reed hathe served the cure of the sd parish for 6 years & upwards, that during the sd time he hath diligently attended one Parish church & 8 Chapels situate at very great distances from the town of Newbern, the place of his residence & centre of the Parish.

That he hath given great satisfaction to his parishioners by a regular and exemplary life and a faithful discharge of his duty & that there is a perfect harmony and good agreement subsisting between the sd Revd Jas Reed & his Parishioners in general, witness our hands this 3rd day of March 1760.

JOHN FONVIELLE Churchwarden.
WILLm JONAS Churchwarden.
JAMES SHING Vestryman.
THOs GRAVES Vestryman.
LEMl HATCH Vestryman.