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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from George Burrington to [Robert Johnson]
Burrington, George, 1680-1759
May 11, 1731
Volume 11, Pages 15-16

[B. P. R. O. So. Carolina. B. T. Vol. 7. e. 79.]


I am much honoured with your Excellency's commands which I received in a letter delivered by Capt Watis.

We are all very certain in this country that the Tuscarora Indians are very great scroundrells they have been before me in Council examined and interrogated by Captn Watis most of the facts charged on them fully proved yet they absolutely refuse to make any satisfaction. The good people in this Province are far from likeing the vile Practises of these fellows and will not assist them on any occasion but rather favour any men you send against them—These Tuscaroras were in a very peaceable and quiet way before Sir Richard Everard was Governor but they are absolutely

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at this time without any Government among themselves Mr Watis will inform your Excellency that I used my endeavours to perswade them to give reasonable Satisfaction for the injures they had done your people I shall be very proud to receive your commands upon all occasions that offer for your Service and desire the honour to call myself

Your Excellencys
most humble
and most obedient servt

North Carolina
May 11th 1731.