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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from Thomas Sumter to Jethro Sumner [Extract]
Sumter, Thomas, 1734-1832
Volume 14, Page 775


“My spies bring me accounts this morning that the enemy have evacuated their camp at White's Mill, and it is supposed they have crossed the river at Landsford. They have a number of horse, but not one half of them equipped as cavalry. Perhaps they mean to be troublesome to you. They have been collecting guides for different purposes, and have offered twenty guineas to any one who will conduct them privately to my camp. Col. Morgan has surprised and taken Georgetown, made two hundred prisoners, destroyed the stores and a number of vessels and small craft which was provided for the security of the garrison, if obliged to retreat. I am informed that Col. Clark has taken all the posts about Augusta except Raysport, which Col. Brown still holds. The chief of his garrison are Indians. 96 was also attacked, and would have been taken if it had not been for a large reinforcement of Indians which the British brought to the assistance of that place. I hear Col. Ferguson is retreating.”