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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Petition from Henry Hinson concerning trade with Bermuda
Hinson, Henry
Volume 15, Pages 218-219


To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina.

The Petition of Henry Hinson, Master of the Sloop called the Mary, at present in the Port of Roanoke within the said State,

Humbly Sheweth,

That your Petitioner has lately arrived in this Country from the Island of Bermuda, which he left the twenty second day of October last, laden with the Articles of Salt, Brown Sugar, &c., (the Particulars of which are given below,) and that, at the Time when your Petitioner left the said Island, the Inhabitants were in great distress for want of Provisions, in consequence, in a great measure, of the Embargo which had taken place on this Continent, from whence that Island has long been accustomed to draw the Principal part of its subsistance.

-------------------- page 219 --------------------

That the Inhabitants of that Island have been formerly greatly indebted to the humanity of America in forming exceptions in their favour, when there was a general prohibition of trade with the Dominions of the British Empire; and your Petitioner flatters himself, when the necessity for so generous an interposition is now equally urgent, it will not be withheld.

Your Petitioner with great humility takes the liberty to observe that the Principal supplies this Continent has Received, in the Time of her distress, of that indispensable article, Salt, have been through the channel of Bermuda, the Inhabitants of which have, with uniform firmness, in spite of every opposition, done all in their power to effect the useful exchange of that Article for the Provisions of this Country, so mutually advantageous to both.

Your Petitioner, in consideration of the Promises, prays permission of your Honorable Body to load his said Vessel on her return with Provisions for the use of the Inhabitants of that place.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.


Cargo, Viz:
700 Bush. Salt.
720 Gal. Molasses.
600 lbs. Brown Sugar.
2 Hhd. Rum.