Documenting the American South

Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina
Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina
Commemorative Landscapes banner

Elementary School Lessons

The lessons listed below will help your students develop an understanding of commonly-held narratives about North Carolina history and the different regions within it. These resources will encourage your students to make observations of the commemorative sites, raise questions about them, pose hypotheses to answer these questions, and work in groups to confirm and revise these hypotheses. Resources for the upper grades will ask your students to think critically about how our state’s leaders and historical events have been represented through commemorative art. In addition, the resources will encourage students to learn more about their local history as they find what is valuable and worthy of commemoration within their communities.

Click on the links below to see more!

Like all LEARN NC lessons, these resources provide a starting point for teachers. Teachers are encouraged to adapt the resources as necessary to meet the needs of their individual students and incorporate their own expertise and interests. LEARN NC encourages you to build upon their lessons and make them better. If you do, let LEARN NC know about your improvements so that they may feature your work on their site!