Documenting the American South

Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina
Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina
Commemorative Landscapes banner

K-12 Classroom

The K-12 lessons provided below were developed in collaboration with LEARN NC to introduce and promote student understanding and writing of North Carolina’s history through commemorative sites, landscapes, and markers. Using arts-integration methods paired with a critical understanding of history and the local, these lessons encourage K-12 students to make observations, pose questions, form hypotheses, and learn about North Carolina history through the monuments included in our database. At the same time, the lessons pose questions about the limitations and ‘gaps’ left by the stories they tell and don’t tell- encouraging students to read, write, think, and speak like historians and use their new understanding to participate in and create change within their local communities. Like all LEARN NC lessons, these resources are aligned with North Carolina state and new Common Core Standards.

Like all LEARN NC lessons, these resources provide a starting point for teachers. Teachers are encouraged to adapt the resources as necessary to meet the needs of their individual students and incorporate their own expertise and interests. LEARN NC encourages you to build upon their lessons and make them better. If you do, let LEARN NC know about your improvements so that they may feature your work on their site!